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Open Scgribouillis

16 décembre 2008

Synfig & snow

Synfig & snow
A short animation with Synfig. It's just snow falling on weird looking fir trees, not something really interesting but it was fun to do anyway. Maybe the movement of the snow isn't correct, but well, I don't see snow often enough to remember it. The trees...
13 décembre 2008

Light pollution / Pollution lumineuse

Light pollution / Pollution lumineuse
J'aime bien regarder les étoiles en hiver. Mais année après année ... ... ça devient ... ... de plus en plus ... difficile. :( :( :(
4 décembre 2008

Geek tattoo again (today: Ubuntu)

Geek tattoo again (today: Ubuntu)
A Debian tattoo yesterday, an Ubuntu one today (because the guy that make me start the linux distro tattoos serie is ubuntu user) . I went for a celtic tattoo style this time, I think it suited the subject. The wide flat areas were made to be filled with...
3 décembre 2008

Debian tattoos ... / Tatouages Debian ...

Debian tattoos ... / Tatouages Debian ...
I don't remember why, but a friend told me I wouldn't be able to do some Linux distro related tattoo designs. So of course I anwsered something like "sure I can!". Yeah, reverse psychology works that well on me /o\. Anyway, this was fun to do.So, for...
21 novembre 2008

Tribal tattoos

Tribal tattoos
--- Post mostly moved to this blog. --- Several years ago I drew 'tribal tattoo' designs everyday. It was just a way to while away the time. Well, it still is, but I like tribal stuff a little less, so I do less of it. So ... both designs are under a...
9 octobre 2008

Sorcière / Witch

Sorcière / Witch
Sorcière bouliforme, crayon gris et couleur sous Gimp. (Je n'aurais pas du ajouter cette texture "toile", je crois.) Sphere-shaped witch, pencil and colour with Gimp. (I shouldn't have added that canvas texture, I think.)
28 septembre 2008

Removing Wilber from the toolbox in GIMP 2.6

Removing Wilber from the toolbox in GIMP 2.6
GIMP 2.6 was realeased a few days ago. One of the main UI change was the addition of a "empty image window", and the removal of the menu from the toolbox. But ... now instead of the menu, there's an empty space on top of the toolbox, with a Wilber image...
25 septembre 2008


Chais pas ce que j'ai avec les arbres en ce moment ... Gribouille digitale, pas super, mais bon, fait entre 1 et 2h du mat quoi ... Dunno why I draw trees lately... Digital doodle, not great, but it was done between 1 and 2am, so... Erf, la compression...
23 septembre 2008

Cats tree

Cats tree
j'ai encore eu une envie soudaine de dessiner des arbres tordus ... (et avec des radasses de chats, gnihihi :p ) Ça doit être parce que c'est l'automne, quoique mon arbre là est plutôt en mode hivernal. (Crayon gris + couleur sous Gimp) Once again I felt...
14 septembre 2008

Why does cat food stink so much?

Why does cat food stink so much?
C'est vrai ça, pourquoi ça pue autant, la bouffe pour chat ?Bon voilà, moi aussi je peux faire des pseudos-BD de 4km de long à avec des copier/coller, niark. (Aller, ça fait pas beaucoup plus de 200ko, ça devrait aller).Reste plus qu'à réussir à dessiner...
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