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Open Scgribouillis
22 décembre 2008

Encore des fleurs

Encore des fleurs
Et surtout encore une insomnie. Et des couleurs qui donnent mal au crâne. Some flowers again - and an insomnia again. And colors that hurt.
21 décembre 2008

Un ptit sapin ...

Un ptit sapin ...
... avec de la neige que je n'ai pas. (Bon il fait 10°C alors forcément ...).Dessin au crayon + colo sous Gimp. J'aime bien les entrelacs celtiques, c'est plus fort que moi :) A Christmas tree, with the snow I miss. (It's 10°C so of course no snow).Pencil...
16 décembre 2008

Synfig & snow

Synfig & snow
A short animation with Synfig. It's just snow falling on weird looking fir trees, not something really interesting but it was fun to do anyway. Maybe the movement of the snow isn't correct, but well, I don't see snow often enough to remember it. The trees...
13 décembre 2008

Light pollution / Pollution lumineuse

Light pollution / Pollution lumineuse
J'aime bien regarder les étoiles en hiver. Mais année après année ... ... ça devient ... ... de plus en plus ... difficile. :( :( :(
4 décembre 2008

Geek tattoo again (today: Ubuntu)

Geek tattoo again (today: Ubuntu)
A Debian tattoo yesterday, an Ubuntu one today (because the guy that make me start the linux distro tattoos serie is ubuntu user) . I went for a celtic tattoo style this time, I think it suited the subject. The wide flat areas were made to be filled with...
3 décembre 2008

Debian tattoos ... / Tatouages Debian ...

Debian tattoos ... / Tatouages Debian ...
I don't remember why, but a friend told me I wouldn't be able to do some Linux distro related tattoo designs. So of course I anwsered something like "sure I can!". Yeah, reverse psychology works that well on me /o\. Anyway, this was fun to do.So, for...